Hey, I’m Ashley!

Not long ago, I hated myself. 

And my life. 

I felt stuck, like nothing could ever change. I was exhausted, lonely, depressed, unhealthy in mind and body. Stuck in dysfunctional cycles and relationships, without even knowing it. Chaos was my normal.

I grew up in a home that was emotionally unstable and abusive. It was normal for me to feel unlovable, like a burden, or like nothing I could do would ever be enough. It was also normal to witness one of my parents lose their temper and freak out, usually at me or someone I love. 

I knew something wasn’t quite right, but I didn’t know how dysfunctional and harmful it really was. I also didn’t expect the way it would make my adulthood feel like I was trying to walk on water. 

I was drowning. 

I wanted to feel better, I just didn’t know how. 

When I first learned about childhood trauma, CPTSD, and looked into the symptoms, not only did the light bulb come on, it’s like an abandoned town got lit up with Christmas lights in my head. I had never felt so understood. It dawned on me that maybe, just maybe it wasn’t some deep internal flaw within me that made me so messed up and unlovable. 

The moment I started my healing journey was the moment I knew I wanted to spend my life helping others find the light, let go of who they were raised to be so they can be their most authentic selves, and tap into the mind and bodies innate capacity to heal. 

Okay, okay.. I did not have that verbiage at the time 😉 But to be honest, it became one of my motivations to pull through when things got challenging.

I started walking a path of healing and empowerment in November of 2017. There weren’t the resources there are now and for a while I had no idea what to do. I experimented and experimented, fell down, got back up, learned what worked, and what didn’t. 

Eventually, I started investing more into my wellness and healing journey. I began working 1:1 with coaches and going to live events. Through those experiences I met someone who practiced Rapid Transformational Hypnotherapy. After hearing multiple good experiences from others who had worked with this woman, I decided to give it a try. It was absolutely life changing. 

The truth is, healing childhood trauma is a process and it’s a unique process to each beautiful human going through it. When you’ve spent a majority of your life living in a body with a dysregulated nervous system, a relentless inner critic, operating from fear-based beliefs, and carrying around all the emotions your younger self did not have the means to process + let go of; It’s understandable that it’s going to take time. 

I feel so blessed and grateful to be living the life I am now. It’s far from perfect, stressors, and unexpected situations still pull the rug out from under me at times. But I’ve found purpose in + ways to understand, process, and truly let go of my past. I have found ways of living and being that help support my nervous system and ultimately allow me to live as my fullest, happiest, and most authentic self.




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